FC Nantes coat of arms: FC Nantes coloring page to print

| Classé dans football

Free coloring of the FC Nantes football team crest to print and color. The FC Nantes club is in league 2 in 2011 but if we go back a few years earlier. We can see Nantes at the top of its form with 8 French championships won: 1965, 1966, 1973, 1977, 1980, 1983, 1995 and 2001. They have also won the French Cup 3 times. Great players have come to Nantes like Didier Deschamps, Mickaël Landreau, Claude Makélélé. The team’s colors are yellow and green, hence their nicknames La Maison jaune and Les Canaris.

Download the PDF of the FC Nantes coat of arms to color

FC Nantes coloring page

FC Nantes logo

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