Olaf from Frozen dot to print coloring page

| Classé dans Dots to connect

Olaf is a character from the animated feature film “Frozen” which is very popular with children. He is funny and affectionate, he is the snowman you would like to have in your garden. He only has one idea in mind, which is to be able to bask in the sun during the summer. Not very recommended for a snowman, no!

With a little patience, you will be able to make the head of this very friendly character yourself. To do this, simply connect the dots from 1 to 34. Even if most of the time a snowman is white, you will still be able to color Olaf’s head with a few colors. In fact, the carrot which serves as a nose can be colored orange, the eyes in black, the eyebrows and the small branches which serve as hair in brown.

Download the PDF Olaf to color

Coloring dot to connect Olaf

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